The Chaos Servants [BooM] recruiting r6/7+ for GvG/Ha
About BooM:
We're a group of experienced PvPers who love to play GvG and some HA & RA. Our HA ranks are between are r6 - r10. and gladi 3 - 5. We are in GvG HA ally Visa. We are mixed euros / americans and play at 20.00 GMT +1 but no problem if u come later.
What We Do:
Everday GvG Sometimes HA RA
We play Dual War, Pressure and Bala
What We're Looking For:
HA r6+
Especially we are looking for a Prot Monk, Ranger, Frontliner
mature pvpers are welcome!
We are chilled players and dont like flaming. If you bitch, moan, or think you're God's gift to Guild Wars, we're not interested.
How You Can Join Us:
Wsp us ingame: Avalon Xv, Aganar Col, Velocer Katron